Ineligibility Tracking

Reminder: The Housing Program Campaign, populated by the screening form, is where Public House tracks an applicant’s journey through your programs. Submit a screening form, receive a property invitation, have your application approved – it is all logged on the Housing Program Campaign Member.

If a Campaign Member is Ineligible, you can see how/where they became ineligible on the Ineligibility Reason Field. The options are:

  • Screening Form Ineligible – the screening form submitted didn’t meet the eligibility requirements
  • Screening Form Expiration – an updated screening form was not submitted by the Intake Expiration deadline
  • Invitation Expired – the application was not started by the Application Due deadline
  • Application Expired – the application was not submitted by the Application Due deadline
  • Corrections Expired – the document corrections were not submitted by the Corrections Due deadline
  • Application Declined – the application submitted didn’t meet the eligibility requirements
  • Staff Action – Staff manually changed the Service File status from Application in Process to Ineligible
  • Advanced – Staff manually changed the Service File Status from Application in Process to the next status in the placement process (anything except Ineligible).
  • Applicant Opt-Out – the applicant opted out of the program

Two other relevant fields to tracking households leaving the application process are:

Ineligibility Date: The most recent date of ineligibility

Opt-Out Reason: If Applicants remove themselves from the application process and choose to provide feedback, it will be shown here. Feedback is only asked of Homeownership and Rental programs.