Public House has integrated calculations for AMI income limits across Campaigns, Properties and Service Files from:
Additional details available in the AMI article regarding AMI, updating AMI with the new HUD values each year and how changing the values triggers the recalculation of income limits across the system.
Calculation Types
Median 4 Person 100% AMI multiplied by Max AMI%, multiplied by the household size adjustment, no rounding
- MAX AMI% = 80% – 4 person 80% AMI multiplied by the household size adjustment then rounded up to the next $50
- MAX AMI % <> 80% 4 person 50% AMI multiplied by 2, multiplied by max AMI%, multiplied by the household size adjustment then rounded up to the next $50
Multifamily Tax Subsidy Projects – 4 Person 50% AMI multiplied by the household size adjustment then rounded up to the next $50, multiplied by 2, multiplied by Max AMI% (no household size adjustment)
The modified AMI for the appropriate household size multiplied by max AMI% with specified rounding (No Rounding, Round to $50, Round up to $50)
Disables calculations. Limits and % must be manually entered by staff. Only available on Service Files
Configuring Income Limits

AMI – The Area Median Income record to use in calcualtions
Max AMI Calc Type: The calculation method used to determine the income limits – Median, HUD, MTSP, Modified or Override.
Max AMI%: The maximum AMI percentage used to determine the upper income limit
Min Calculation Type: Select AMI % to use the same AMI calc type as the Max AMI. Select Override to set a fixed min income.
Min AMI%: The maximum AMI percentage used to determine the upper income limit. Only used if Min Calc Type= AMI %
Min Income: Fixed minimum income value. Only used if Min Calculation Type = Override.
Min Calculation Type
Min Calculation Type determines if the minimum income limits should be a fixed amount or calculated as a percentage of AMI.
AMI% (calculated)
The minimum income limits will be calculated based on the AMI, using the Max Calculation Type and the minimum AMI percentage specified.
Be sure to populate:
- Min AMI% Field on Campaign and Property records
- Minimum Allowable % of AMI on Service Files
Be sure to populate:
NOTE: Please refer to the Minimum Income Limit Exceptions to provide household exemptions from Minimum Income Limits
Most often, determining if Applicants meet income requirements is the primary goal of the application process. It is not surprising that it shows up in so many places throughout the process.
Campaign Income Limits
Housing Program Campaigns set the income limits on the Screening Forms and Intake records. This is manually set on each campaign.
Property Income Limits
Property income limits are used to filter Prospects and Applicants from waitlists/campaigns to show in the Candidate Pool.
Service File Income Limits
On the Service File, income limits are used to determine if applications qualify for your programs. The income limit parameters are populated from the Housing Program Campaign for new Service Files.

On a Service File, max/min income fields are calculated for the household size of the applicant. In this example, a record called Test AMI is used, the Median Calculation type is used and the maximum limit is 80%. For the min income limit, they are specifying a min limit of 50%.
Income limits get recalculated on Service File on change of any of these fields:
- PHA__Minimum_Allowable_Income__c
- HOMEtracker__Maximum_Allowable_Income__c
- HOMEtracker__Household_Size__c
- HOMEtracker__AMI__c
- PHA__Minimum_Allowable_of_AMI__c
- HOMEtracker__Maximum_Allowable_Percent_of_AMI__c
- PHA__Min_Calculation_Type__c
- PHA__Max_Calculation_Type__c
Service Files have an Override option for Max and Min Calc Type that prevents any values you’ve entered into Max / Min Allowable Income from being recalculated. The main use case we’ve heard for this – when staff is manually entering a historical record, they don’t want the current AMI to overwrite their historical Max / Min Allowable Income limits.