Campaign Members

Campaign Members are the waitlist Applicants! The Campaign Member is the primary Salesforce record that tracks a specific applicant from waitlist application to final determination. A Campaign Member record is automatically created after a prospect submits an eligible Screening Form and is likely referenced throughout the application cycle.

Eligible Screening Forms automate Salesforce Campaign Members and Intake Forms for each applicant.

Key Campaign Member Data


  • Campaign: the campaign, or waitlist, the applicant is on
  • Contact: the SalesForce Contact, which links all SF related records
  • Created Date: the time and date the Campaign Member is created. Typically equal to the waitlist join date, but may differ if the data was migrated or if the applicant applied again after determined ineligible.
  • Status: Prospect, Applicant, Ineligible. The status demonstrates where the applicant is in the application lifecycle:
    • Prospect: eligible based on the waitlist application and on the waitlist
    • Applicant: Invited to complete a full application; Service File is created. Most likely near the ‘top’ of the waiting list.
    • Ineligible: Removed from the waitlist (due to not submitting a waitlist update, not submitting an application, not meeting program eligibility, by applicant request, or because the applicant moved into an affordable home)
  • Applying After Min time to Reapply: Checkbox to indicate if an applicant can apply again (checked=yes, unchecked= no); timing is determined based on the Campaign setting.


  • Intake: Direct link to the parent Intake Form
  • Intake Eligibility: Selected if the parent intake status= eligible
  • Rank: If applicable, the waitlist rank, which determines the placement on the waitlist in conjunction with the waitlist join date and time.
  • Waitlist Join Date: records the original date and time the applicant submitted the eligible intake form. Determines waitlist placement. Re-sets once the status changes from Ineligible to Prospect (i.e. if the applicant applies again!)
  • Most Recent Updated Date: records the date and time of the most recent waitlist update.
  • Intake Expiration: the date the prospect must submit a new intake as part of the waitlist update process; the timing of waitlist updates is unique to the client. link to schedule
  • Minimum Income Exemption: Checkbox to indicate if the prospect meets a minimum income exception.

Service File:

NOTE: if an applicant is invited to start the application process and for any reason they should not have been or you need to move the campaign member status back to Prospect, make sure to clear this checkbox! If not, when they are invited again, a new Service File is not created.

Campaign Member History

The Campaign Member displays an audit trail that tracks households from their first screening form through to their application outcome. This includes a listing of all intake forms, waitlist update reminders, application invitations, and status changes.

Clients can utilize the ‘history’ fields to input any one-off notifications to maintain on the Campaign History. If Public House assists with a waitlist migration, a historical note will be included on the history.