Authentication Updates: One-time Passcodes V2
Despite many ardent revisions, our link authorization still confounds a very small but nonetheless important group of Applicants. The links were much quicker but it was the switching between tabs that some folks couldn’t get their heads around. So after a great deal of effort and expense, we are reverting to traditional one-time passcodes for email and SMS authentication.
However, we are always improving! The new version incorporates:
- Lovely UI improvements
- Resend – Applicants can resend email and SMS codes themselves
- Remember my device – For seven days, the applicant can skip email verification if logging in from the same device.
- Alternative phone authentication – Applicants can still authenticate by calling or sending us a text originating from the phone number on file
Social Security Field
A new encrypted Social Security Field will be available to household members. The primary driver for this Field is the increased number of organizations integrating with Credit Checker.
A few notes on security:
- Public House never queries the full social security number. In the event that a bad actor gains access to the application through applicant negligence, only the last 4 digits are of the social security nubmer are visible in the application.
- Editing the social security number requires entering the whole number.
- Permission to edit social security numbers must be granted via a permission set.
- Only the Credit Checker app will have permission to view the full social security number.
Public House App Updates
PH Setup
Cloud Storage
- AWS – Support for new IAMs key authentication
- Stripe (New) – Stripe connection parameters for processing application fees
PH Programs
- Program Type (New) – Specify your application program type, future functionality may be customized for the different types of application programs.
- Digital Signatures (New) – Enable signatures and configure who should sign the application.
- Imputed Income & Passbook Rate% (New) – Enable and customize the Imputed Income functionality.
- Logos (New) – Upload your logos for light and dark backgrounds
Application Fees (New)
- Enable Application Fees, Configure Fee Amounts and descriptions
Terms (New)
- Initial Agreement (Can these boxes expand with more content?)
- Terms (Confirmation of Completion)
- Ineligibility Reason Updates – Invitation Expired corrected
- Screening Forms: Improved HTML support in warning messages
- Application UI: Google address lookup on household member’s physical address
- Application UI: Google address lookup on household member’s physical address
- Screening Forms: Google address lookup on employer address, new fields for geolocation on Income Source records
- Restrict Google Address Lookup for US Addresses only
- Required Documents: Description link fix in Firefox
- Application: Application Reset: Submission Stage reset for Applicants updating application
- Program Configuration: Email Template Translations: When a client edits the Custom Text section, we can now re-run all translations for that email/SMS template individually to reduce API calls.
- Application PDF are now sent regardless of if application signatures are used.
- Cloud Storage: Updates built to support AWS S3’s new tokenization protocols.
- Cloud Storage: Authorization: New success message upon authorization update
- Required Documents: Req Docs: If an upload isn’t successful it is automatically deleted
- Translations: Preferred Language