2022 Q3 Release Updates

Public House Setup App

A Salesforce App where organizations can manage OAuth authorization of Public House, Cloud Storage authorization and other general settings.

The Public House Setup App is only configured to be accessed by System Admin or Homekeeper Admin profiles – because those two profiles have the permissions required to authorize Public House. You may make the PH Setup app visible if necessary. Read here about including additional profiles.

In Q2 we rolled out the new OAuth tools. The initial authorization was done with the Salesforce user you have provided for us. You are welcome to change that to another user.

Public House Automated Upgrades

Public House has built out the infrastructure to automate deploying package and class upgrades to clients. This will reduce our deployment turnaround times and costs – allowing us to focus our development budget on development.

Zoho Electronic Signatures

We are doing API testing with Zoho’s electronic signatures. Our current costs with HelloSign are prohibitively high. If we can find better cost options, we can save our community money.

Declining Applications in Document Review

To save staff time, the Decline Application button will be available to Decline applications during Document Review that are clearly ineligible.

Required Documents: Document Review

Application record deletion message

Household Member, Asset, Debt and Income Source deletion warnings will be more descriptive to help Applicants understand the consequences of deleting records and the related records and Required Documents that will also be deleted.

Required Document Settings: Expiration

Not Applicable option for Required Documents

You’ve reported Applicants uploading crazy stuff – the kinda stuff we developers would never have imagined. If you Decline the uploads, Applicants are required to upload a replacement. The new Not Applicable option will allow you to simply ignore the upload.

HUD Standard Weekly & Bi-weekly Income Calculations

In calculating income for bi-weekly or weekly pay periods, HUD assumes an even 52 weeks per year instead of the more accurate 365/7=52.14.. weeks per year. Public House has updated our income calculations to be consistent with HUDs methods.

Screening Form Enhancements

Screening Form Availability

Screening forms will now rely on the Campaign Start Date, End Date and Active checkbox fields to determine if they are available. Read more in the support article Housing Program Campaigns.

Screening Form Headers

Screening forms now support Header sections with descriptions in the custom question section. The description supports HTML for <a>, <li>, <b>, and <i>

Screening Form Help Text HTML support

Help Text now supports HTML for <a>, <li>, <b>, and <i>

Expiring Authentication Links

All SMS links automatically expire after 2 weeks. Email authentication links are being upgraded to expire after 2 weeks as well.

Required Document Type Change File Deletions

When a Household Member Role or an Asset, Debt or Income Source Type has changed the system currently deletes all the associated Required Documents. This will be updated to keep any Required Documents that are common to both the previous and new Role/Type. For example, if an Asset Type is changed from Savings to Checking, and both Savings and Checking have a Bank Statements Required Document. The Bank Statements will not be deleted.