2021 Q4 Release updates

Combined PDF Support for Google Drive

This feature was rolled out in Q2 for Dropbox/AWS and now is available for clients using Google Drive. It appends all approved, required documents to the application archive.

Changes will take place automatically. Moving forward all Application PDFs will be stored in an Application Archives Folder (Subfolder in each Service File Folder). You can see all these Application PDFs by clicking the new Archives button on the application UI (beside the History button). Note that existing Application PDFs will remain in the Service File folder and not appear via the link.

History Tracking Updates

  • Campaign Member: Email and SMS Reminder fail messages and actions continuing to fire after failed message
  • Service File: Income Status Field tracking

Highlighting Incomplete Fields

There are two new features to assist Applicants with identifying fields required to complete each subform. When Applicants rollover the Form Incomplete link, missing fields are displayed.

And when an incomplete form is opened, missing fields are highlighted.

Reminder Updates

Fixed a bug that was not executing reminder actions when executing when emails were undeliverable.

Application Reset Updates

When applications are changed from Application Status = Approved or Declined to Invited (also for clients doing recertification):

  • The Income Status Field on the Income Source record is reset to Unlocked. I
  • Income Sources with Income Status = Excluded are deleted

Updated Depndencies

After intermittent, unexplained system issues, we performed a review our dependencies and series of updates that has improved uptime.