Applicants who have been through your application process may be able to reuse the application if they are re-invited or if they start the process again.

NOTE: This only applies to Service Files with Status = Application in process and Application Status = Approved.

Approved Applications past their Expiration Date- Reusable

If an Approved application is not directly placed in a new home, after some time, the Applicants will need to provide updated required documents (pay stubs, bank statements, etc.). Public House can reset an application.

On the Candidate Pool Pages, approved applications that have exceeded the Approval Expirations Period are listed as Approved Expired with the date of expiration. Each organization can customize its Approval Expiration Period in the Custom Settings.

These approved Applicants can be Invited to Re-apply from a button on the Candidate Pool page, which triggers these actions:

  • Service File Application Status is set to Invited
  • Required Documents with a setting of Expire on Reset are deleted.
  • Required Documents with a setting of Expire on Date and an expiration date < Today are deleted.
  • Recalculates Income Limits to ensure the most recent values are in use
  • Resets application processing dates on the Service File and clears necessary fields. Refer to Refreshing Applications for a complete list of cleared/reset fields.
  • Sends an email notification to the applicant, Application Invitation to Re-apply
  • An applicant’s priority/preference will be unaffected.

Applications in Completed Status do not automatically trigger the Invite to Reapply. The requirements for the Invite to Reapply are:

  • Status = Application in Process
  • Application Status = Approved
  • Approval Expiration > Today

Declined & Ineligible Applications- Not Reusable

Applicants that do not qualify for your program, miss their Application Due date or otherwise cancel their application cannot re-use that application. Once the Service File Status is set to Ineligible and the Application Status is set to Declined, the only Public House application functionality is for staff to view data and the links to saved PDF files.

In conjunction with the Service File status, the associated Campaign Member is updated. The Campaign Member Status is updated to Ineligible and the link to the existing Service File is cleared.

Declined Applicants may submit a new Screening Form and get placed on the waiting list again. While the system will automatically re-use the same Campaign Member, if the prospect is invited to apply again, a new Service File is created and all information must be entered again.

Applicants placed in homes- Not reusable

Once an applicant is placed in a home, staff should manually update the Service File status to Current Owner or Current Renter. If the residents wish to apply for a different housing opportunity, check out the article New Applications for Current Residents.