Required Documents: Applicant Submission

The Public House application allows Applicants to easily and securely submit required documents for staff review.

  • Service File: Application Status = Application in Process
  • The Service File displays on the Application Processing Dashboard under XXX

Required Document Guidelines

Houshold Members cannot have the same name

Asset name/account number must be unique

Debt name/account number (last 4 digits) must be unique

Income Sources can’t have the same name – full time, part time, self have employer name, other types use the record auto number name like child support

Uploading Required Documents

When an applicant completes the form for sections of the application, any associated Required Document is displayed as a document they must supply for review:

Red Clock Icon- Required. Orange Clock icon- Optional

By selecting the link on the Required Document name, a new window opens and displays the customized document instructions, a link to the document template, if applicable, and an “I don’t have it” link with instructions on what to do if the applicant does not have what is requested. The Required Document Templates are editable by staff in Salesforce.

An example of a Required Document associated with the household member application section.

To add a document, the applicant selects the Upload button and adds a saved document from their computer or phone just like attaching a document to an email.

Once the document is uploaded, it will display in the Required Document window with a note Uploaded D/M/Y by applicant

File Descriptions – Applicants or staff can add a description to the file This is helpful when for computer-generated file names and multi-file uploads – like 3 months of bank statements.

If more than one document is required, the applicant selects the “Upload Additional Files” button and repeats the process. Once all documents for that application section are uploaded, the applicant selects the “I have completed my Uploads and met requirements” button

If the required document is set-up to have an expiration date, the applicant enters it in the required Field.

Once all required documents are uploaded- the red (and orange, if applicable) clock icons updated to the magnifying glass, the system will prompt the applicant to submit their application.

Document Ready for Review!

Up until the applicant submits their application the first time, they can view any of the documents that they upload. All uploaded documents are saved in the client’s preferred secured cloud storage solution.

The same upload process is repeated for Document Corrections.

Document Upload Guidelines

  • Document uploads must be either PDF or images in the PNG, GIF or JPG format
  • Only 15 total documents can be upload in each section
  • Document size is between 1kb to 10 mb
  • Password protected documents are not accepted. See here for instructions on removing a password from a PDF

If the applicant upload fails, the applicant will receive an error message with a prompt to help rectify the issue.

Document Upload Helpful Tips

  • PDFs are preferred over images. Provide Applicants with information about how to save pictures taken from a cell phone as PDF documents.
  • Applicants should upload documents as multiple pages instead of single page uploads.