Required Documents: Document Review

Public House provides tools to make document review quick and easy! After an applicant submits their application, staff should promptly review the uploaded files. Before an application can reach the Application Status = Complete stage, staff must confirm that the submitted documents are what is needed.

Applicant Submission triggers:

  • Service File: Application Status = Document Review
  • The Service File displays on the Application Processing Dashboard under Document Review

Applicants are unable to access their applications when the Application Status is in Document Review. If they try to log-in, a message displays We’re Reviewing Your Supporting Documents.

Reviewing Documents

The Document Review stage is for the staff to evaluate if the applicant has uploaded all of the correct documents – not whether the information in the documents meets the program requirements. This expedites the final review process to ensure staff have all the correct documents before completing the program qualification review.

Coming in 2022 Q3: If you can already determine that an applicant is clearly ineligible, we’ve added the Decline button for you to Decline the application without having to first review all the documents.

Required Document Summary

In the Staff Action section of the application, view counts for the Required Documents (total) for the Application and Action Required (Required Documents that are incorrect). The button displays the number of Required Documents that require staff review. These values update accordingly during the review process.

Required Document Icons

  • Ready for Review
  • Accepted
  • Documents reviewed, Action required

Staff need to convert all Ready for Review Required Documents to either Accepted or Action Required.

Staff Instructions

Customized staff instructions are available as reminders for the checkpoints and common pitfalls for each Required Document. link to the how to

Viewing Documents

Clicking on the file name opens the document in a new tab. Staff must be logged into the cloud storage via the browser to have access to the document.

TIP: Use keyboard shortcuts to switch between the browser tabs for the applications and the document

  • Ctrl + Tab switches to the next tab
  • Ctrl + Shift + Tab switches to the previous tab

Document Review Fields

Staff will need to verify that the information on the uploaded document is consistent with the information provided on the application. To avoid having to dig back through the application, the application information is displayed on the Required Document. Staff can quickly switch between tabs to confirm the information is consistent. Customize the Document Review Fields in the Required Document Templates. link to this

Approved, Declined, Approved with Action, Question, Not Applicable

For each uploaded document, staff must either Approve, Decline, Request Additional information, ask a question, or mark it as not applicable.

Accepted: The applicant has uploaded the correct documentation.

Rejected: The applicant has not uploaded the correct documentation. Provide details explaining why the document was rejected and what the applicant still needs to submit in the Applicant Directions Field and click Save. The applicant will be required to upload a replacement document.

Accepted with Action: The uploaded file is correct but the full requirement is not met. For example, three months of bank statements are required but only two months have been uploaded. Provide clear details explaining what has been accepted and what remains incomplete in the Applicant Directions Field and click Save. Applicants will be required to upload additional documents.

Question: Additional information is needed to determine whether to approve or decline the submitted document. Provide clear details explaining your question in the Question Field and click Save. The applicant will be required to provide an answer.

Not Applicable: If an applicant has uploaded something that is not useful or relevant, the Not Applicable option allows you to simply ignore the upload without requiring a replacement document to be uploaded. These records do not count against the file upload limits.

You must click Save to commit your changes.

Keep it moving

Use the Next Document to advance directly to the next Required Document.

Requesting Additional Documents

During their review, staff may identify a need to request some additional, less frequently used required documents from an applicant at their discretion. The documents that are not part of the standard, automatically requested ones as part of the application submission are readily available in the Staff section of the application.

Staff Section of the Application Displaying Additional Documents Available for Request

By selecting the check-box associated with the Required Document Template during Document Review, the document requirement will display in the corresponding application section(s) for an applicant to submit during Document Corrections.

These special circumstance Required Document Templates are created just like the other documents, but have a unique conditional Field so they are available during Document Review.

Review Complete

Once all the files have been reviewed, the staff action button turns blue. Select the button to submit the application back to the applicant for Document Corrections or to Move the application status to Complete.

Once all uploaded files are approved and no action is required, the application will advance to Application Status = Complete.

If all files are not approved, the application will advance to Application Status = Document Corrections and the applicant will be notified via email.

You will be prompted for a new due date that all document corrections must be submitted by. Reminders and SMS will be sent in increasing frequency as the due date approaches.

Declining Applications in Document Review

To save staff time, the Decline Application button will be available to Decline applications during Document Review that are clearly ineligible. The system will create the Combined PDF, appending only accepted uploads. Uploaded files that have been reviewed as Declined, Questions or not reviewed will be deleted. In consideration of a potential audit, staff should approve uploads that certified the applicant is not eligible to ensure their inclusion in the combined PDF.