2024 Q2 Release Update

We went big this quarter. This list of updates is long! Expect additional training materials in the coming weeks.

Public House App

Go to the 9 dot app launcher in the upper right and search for Public House. PH Setup and PH Programs have been consolidated in the Public House App with upgraded styling. Now you can update your program configuration and communication templates, authorize Public House to talk to Salesforce and your cloud storage all in one convenient place.

Translation Updates

If you edit the custom text area on an email template, the system will immediately translate it into all your preselected languages.

Candidate Pool Updates

Housing Program Candidate Pool

You now have a version of the Candidate Pool pages on the screening form campaign. No more confusing campaign member lists. Now you can see ordered lists of all the Prospects and Applicants in your screening form campaign. The available actions Request Application and Request Update are not optional like they are in the Property Candidate Pool.

Email Previews

You can now preview what each type of email looks like in the Candidate Pool. There are also Property Flags that show if the property record is missing any information needed in the emails.

Not Interested List

On any Property Candidate Pool, you can see all households that:

  • Responded as Not Interested
  • Requested to be removed from the program
  • Didn’t respond by the due date
  • Are no longer eligible – their screening form or application no longer meets the property criteria

You can easily reset anyone on the not interested list. If their current info still meets the property criteria, they will show back up in the Property Candidate Pool and you can re-invite them.

Application Email History

Complete copies of all application invitation, reminder, and expiration emails sent by Public House are stored in the Contact’s Activity History.

Due Dates in Emails

Invitation emails now include response due and application due dates!!

Response Due Job

A daily job should review property Campaign Members with Status = Invited or Selected to see if they have missed the Response Due date. Responses are not allowed after Response Due date and they are moved to the Not Interested list.

Not Interested Reset

Candidate Pool: Criteria

Property criteria is evaluated against:

We’ve updated the Property Candidate Pool to evaluate data on the Application Process record instead of the Service File. We had an issue with people dropping off Candidate Pools when they were updating the Service File because the application was reset and they no longer met the property criteria.

*First-time Applicants will continue to be evaluated by their screening form until they submit their application.

Candidate Pool: New Fields on the Application Process Records

Application Process records are created during application:

  • Submission – the application Status updates from Incomplete to Document Review
  • Determination – when the outcome is determined.  Approved or Declined

New fields added to the application process record:

  • Household Size
  • Household Assets
  • Household Income
  • Household Debt
  • Submissions
  • Credit Score
  • Outcome (Approved/Declined)

New Service File Field

Submission – counts how many times an application has been submitted for the Service File.


We’ve replaced some of the links in the system with action buttons.

  • Service File: Application
  • Campaign: Candidate Pool (Housing Program)
  • Property: Candidate Pool (Property)

Screening Form Updates

  • Future date selection should not be allowed in the birthdate Field
  • Currency Field support

Application UI

The mailing address section header is hidden if the mailing address fields are removed.


  • Application Reset: Submission Stage complications