2022 Q1 Release Updates

The world is spinning. We are taking extra measures to increase security in Public House.


Public House has upgraded to a more robust option for Salesforce API authorization. OAuth is the highest industry standard for API authorization. Moving forward, clients will require a dedicated Public House user (this can be an active internal user) to authorize communication with Public House. Ready about OAuth Steps.

Dropbox Expiring Tokens

Dropbox has upgraded the security of its API authorization with new short expiring tokens. We’ve updated Public House to take advantage of these enhancements.

Hide Credit Checker Debts from Applicant

For clients using Credit Checker to pull in Debt records, the Debt section of the application can be hidden from the applicant but visible to the staff. Additionally, these debt records will not create required documents.

History Tracking Updates

Campaign Member: Identifying the source of changes as Screening Form, Service File or Reminder Actions

Co-Applicant flow improvement

After approving the request to be added to the application, Co-Applicants were seeing a link to log in to the application (standard message). This was causing confusion because often the Co-applicant’s phone number had not been added yet. We’ve removed that link. That was the quick fix and we’ll continue to refine this flow.

Datepicker Issues

Clients were reporting intermittent, non-replicable issues with datepicker, which was primarily used for the Date of Birth Field. We couldn’t see it but we heard about it enough times. We’ve swapped out a new datepicker UI and that seems to have addressed the issue.

Other Updates

Year-to-Date income calculation improvements