Public House Portals: Logging On

Applicant Log-On

Applicants log into the portal using a dual-authentication process. Only existing Applicants- those that are on the waitlist or are in the process of qualifying- and existing residents may log into the Application Portal. The Homeowner portal is only available to existing Homeowners.

To log-on, Applicants first enter their email address and then either respond to the link in the email they receive or enter the code from the received email. Then, the applicant must enter a cell phone number and respond to the SMS, or text, message by entering the code that is texted into the Application Portal. 

The first time an applicant logs in, they are asked to set up security questions to assist with logging in if an email or phone changes in the future.

Email Requirements:
  • Emails must be unique to each applicant and co-applicant because this is how the system identifies the right contact. Email address cannot be shared between household members! Each application many have up to two household members with their own unique log-in.
  • The email address must match the email on the Applicant or Co-Applicant’s SalesForce Contact Record. An applicant may also update their email address.
  • All new Co-Applicants (with existing or unmatched emails) must respond to an email to agree to be added to an application. We assume that access to email gives the privileges to overwrite existing contact information.
  • The email log-in Field requires proper email format with an @ and no leading or extra spaces before or after.
Phone Requirements:
  • Applicants should have a cell phone that can accept text messages in order to log into the Application and Homeowner Portal.
  • Alternatively, the Applicants may call or text the system during login to authenticate.
  • Whether receiving a text, sending a text or calling, the phone number must match the ‘Phone’ Field in the SalesForce Contact record – it does not reference the unique phone type fields on the Contact (i.e. Home, Work, Cell). When Public House creates contacts from a qualified Intake Form, it only populates this primary phone number Field.
  • The phone log-in Field requires 7 numerical digits