Public House helps you build and modify your screening form templates. Screening forms feed into the Housing Program Campaign in Salesforce, which will act as your Waitlist/Lottery. The Campaign has several parameters you can edit directly.
Each housing program (homeownership, rental, repair/preservation) can have its own unique screening form template.
Read up on how Waitlists/Lotteries rely on Housing Program Campaigns in the Affordable Housing Waitlist Articles.
We recommend keeping screening forms as brief as possible. Questions should be limited to:
- Eligibility criteria
- Informing households of the application process
- Preference points questions to establish priority
Modifying Screening Forms
You can tie a specific Screening Form to a Campaign and modify certain settings. This is most likely to occur with new Campaigns.
The Screening Form displays the following information from the Campaign:
Screening Form Availability
- Active – If false (unchecked), the screening form will not be available, and the screening form update reminders will not be sent out.
- Start Date / End Date (optional) – Used to specify dates that the screening form is available. Screening forms are not accessible until 00:01 am on the Start Date. Screening forms are not accessible after 11:59 pm on the End Date.
You can specify start and end dates to make a screening form unavailable but keep Active = true (checked) to continue to send out screening form update reminders to existing Prospects.
Screening Form Details
- Service File Program: If you have more than one type of Screening Form configured, the Program Field on the Campaign indicates which type of Screening Form to display (Homeownership, Rental, Recertification, etc.). Once established, this should only be changed in certain circumstances
- Min Time to Reapply –
- Intake Expiration Period
- Applicant Requirement
- Rank Order
- Trigger AMI Calculation
- Max Household Size
- Min Household Size
- Max Assets
- Min Assets
Income Limits
- Max Calculation Type
- Min Calculation Type
- Max AMI%
- Min Calculation Type
- Min AMI%
- Min Income
Once established, these are Screening Form changes Public House must make:
- Modify a question’s wording
- Modify help text
- Modify warning text
- Assign Priority points to a question
- Add or remove a question
- Change the expiration period
Sharing Screening Form URLs
Once your Housing Program Campaipgn is configured you are ready to share the link. The Screening Form URL format is:
https://application portal URL + /screening/ + the Housing Program Campaign’s Salesforce ID
For example here is our demo screening form URL.
TIP: Add a SalesForce Field on the Campaign Page to display the screening form URL. This makes it easier for marketing efforts and to share the Screening form with Applicants.