Public House Introduction

Public House is a comprehensive homeownership and rental application management system that is an essential tool for housing organizations of all types and sizes. Public House provides the infrastructure that small 1-2 person teams require to process applications online. Larger teams can collaborate to scale up their efficiency to handle very large applicant volumes with minimal staff.

The online affordable housing application integrates with Salesforce, Homekeeper and one of several cloud document storage systems.

Our Clients

Public House partners with affordable housing providers across the United States to process large volumes of applications. 

Our clients include:

  • City and county government housing authorities. 
  • Habitat for Humanity organizations in urban and rural areas, 
  • Community Land Trusts throughout the country, 
  • Large Rental Housing Providers

If Public House seems like a dynamic tool for working with various types of organizations, that’s because it is.

Applicant Benefits

Intuitive design, visual guides and helpful text enable Applicants to independently complete applications, upload supporting documents, agree to terms, electronically sign, and pay application fees.

Client Benefits

Screening Forms

Public House helps you create screening forms to filter households that don’t meet your program’s requirements so that only qualified households can make full applications. Learn more about screening forms here.

Waitlist/Lottery Management

Public House’s screening forms automatically put those qualified households on your waitlists or in your lottery system based on the criteria you set.  Learn more about waitlists and lotteries here.

Application Processing

Process applications faster with automated calculations and extremely simple document review. Only invite/process applications by focusing on the applications that fit the qualifications for your housing opportunities.

Learn more about processing applications here.

Automation of Administrative Tasks

Public House allows your team to focus on application evaluation and filling vacancies by automating all communications: reminders, waitlist updates, application notifications, and income calculations, etc.

Learn more about automated tasks here.

Email and SMS text message reminders keep Applicants on track through all parts of the application process. Learn more about automated communications here.

Audit Trail

Experience extensive history tracking throughout the application process. Public House’s audit system provides a date and time stamp of who did what and when. No more digging through old emails and cross-referencing other data sources to piece together applicant histories.

Dashboards and Reporting

Public House comes with application analytics and dashboards, so you can monitor what’s happening at the applicant, program, and organizational levels. 

Applicant Level – Don’t try to remember where every applicant is at. Dashboards and reports direct staff to the records that require attention.

Program Level – Understand the types of households that are interested in your programs and your homeowners.

Process Level – Flow is tracked throughout the applicant experience. See the time and resources required for each part of the process.

Rental Program Benefits

Reduce vacancy rates by maintaining your applicant pools. Manage the annual recertification process by automatically initiating the application invitation and qualifying residents on renewal income limits.

Homeownership Program Benefits

Public House has a separate homeowner portal to track annual occupancy surveys; resident requests to refinance, sell, or upgrade their home, and any custom resident requests after purchase.

For a deeper dive into how Public House works and integrates with Salesforce and Homekeeper, check out our Technical Public House Overview.