Screening Forms: An Overview of Questions and Fields

If you have begun your onboarding process, you are probably familiar with the types of information you can collect using screening forms.

Public House recommends using certain types of fields. Detailed questions, help text and warnings educate households about the basic requirements of each housing program. Revise these elements when you notice any confusion among Applicants or mistakes in the text.

Some types of questions can be added to a screening form. However, Public House supports the use of simplified forms that gather very basic information.

Standard Questions

Primary Applicant

  • Required: First Name, Last Name, Email, Phone
  • Street, City, Postal Code, Race, Ethnicity

Household Details

  • Adults, Children, Couples
  • Annual Household Income
  • Household Assets, Monthly Debt

Help Text

HTML Support: <a>, <li>

Customizable Parts of Screening Forms

Supported Question Types

  • Yes/No
  • Single select picklist
  • Other/Please describe

Conditional Questions

  • Triggering questions can be any question on the screening form
  • Supports +, !=, >, >=, <= comparisons of any question on the form to fixed value or Campaign member Field (like Income & Assets)
  • Conditional questions evaluated on triggering question update

Section Headers

Section headers and descriptions can be added within the custom question section or at the top of the screening form. HTML support for links and images.


  • Supports +, !=, >, >=, <= comparisons of any question on the form to fixed value or Campaign member Field (like Income & Assets)
  • Warnings are evaluated on triggering question update
  • Warnings do not have to be eligibility criteria. They can just be warnings to educate about the program.
  • Currency formatting supported $###,###
  • HTML support