Application Fees

PH Configuration: Fees

After you have set up your Stripe Keys, you can configure the application fees for each application program.

Application Details

Application Fees: Specify if you have a flat application fee, an additional fee for co-Applicants, or if you do not want application fees charged.

Define your base Fee Amount and Co-Applicant Additional Fee (if applicable).

Application Interface

  • Fee Description – appears at the top of the page
  • Fee Footer – appears at the bottom of the page

Waiving Application Fees

Remove application fee requirements for an applicant by checking Waive Application Fee on the Service File.

Viewing Transactions

Once an applicant has paid their application fees, Application Charge Paid will appear as checked on the Service File.

Opportunity records are created for each application fee transaction. Contact Roles are created for the Applicant.

Create a report of Opportunities filtering on Record Type “Application Payment” to see all Application Fees.