Document Review: Document Review Fields

Document Review Fields expediate the document review process by allowing staff to reference fields specific to Required Documents without having to return to the application.

For example, when reviewing a checking account bank statement, you verify that the uploaded bank statements include:

  • financial institution name
  • account number (last 4 digits)
  • account type
  • account owner name
  • balance

Having these fields at your fingertips makes it fast and easy to approve the bank statements. screenshot pending

Quick tip: Documents open in a new tab. You can quickly switch between your application tab and the document tab with hot keys:

  • Chrome/Edge/Safari: Next tab Ctrl+Tab+Previous tab Ctrl + Shift +Tab
  • Firefox: Ctrl + Tab allows you to switch between tabs similar to how Alt +Tab allows you to switch between windows.

Editing Document Review Fields

The Document Review Fields on display are set-up in the Required Document Templates. To customize the Document Review fields, edit the value of the Document Review Fields section of the template.

Make sure to use Field API names and not Field labels. Sepatate Multiple Document Review Fields by commas.

Attempting to save an invalid Document Review Field will throw a validation error:

Identifying API Field Names

Field Names are found in the Object Manager.

An Asset Object showing available API Field names

If you’d like to have Account Number as a Document Review Field, you’ll use the API Field Name  PHA__Account_Number__c.

Important: You can only use fields from the Document Review Location object. In simpler terms, if your Required Document appears in the Asset section of the applications, your Document Review Fields must be fields on the Asset object.

Common fields used from Objects: 

Asset Object Fields
Financial Institution Name
Account NumberPHA__Account_Number__c
Asset TypeHOMEtracker__Type__c
Household Member NamePHA__Household_Member_Name__c
Income from AssetPHA__Income_from_Asset__c
Upcoming Year WithdrawalsPHA__Upcoming_Year_Withdrawls__c
Asset Object Fields

To use them all, paste the following into Document Review Fields:
Name, PHA__Account_Number__c, HOMEtracker__Type__c, PHA__Household_Member_Name__c, HOMEtracker__Value__c, PHA__Income_from_Asset__c, PHA__Upcoming_Year_Withdrawls__c

Other common document review fields by object: 

Debt Object Fields
Field NameAPI Name
Financial institutionName
Account NumberPHA__Account_Number__c
Debt TypeHOMEtracker__Debt_Type__c
Household Member NamePHA__Household_Member_Name__c
Balance DueHOMEtracker__Balance_Due__c
Monthly PaymentHOMEtracker__Monthly_Payment__c
Debt Object Fields

To use them all, paste the following into Document Review Fields
Name, PHA__Account_Number__c, HOMEtracker__Debt_Type__c, PHA__Household_Member_Name__c, HOMEtracker__Balance_Due__c, HOMEtracker__Monthly_Payment__c

Income Source Fields
Field NameAPI Name
Employer/Business NameHOMEtracker__Employer_Business_Name__c
Income TypeHOMEtracker__Income_Type__c
Employment StatusPHA__Employment_Status__c
Household Member NamePHA__Household_Member_Name__c
Employment Start DateHOMEtracker__Employment_Start_Date__c
Employment End DateHOMEtracker__Employment_End_Date__c
Gross Income for Specified Period (Year toDate Income)PHA__Gross_Income_for_Specified_Period__c
Gross Annual IncomeHOMEtracker__Pretax_Income_This_Year__c
Pay PeriodPHA__Pay_Period__c
Pay Period Average HoursPHA__Annual_Bonus__c
Pay Period Average PayPHA__Pay_Period_Average_Pay__c
Weekly HoursPHA__Weekly_Hours__c
Income Source Fields

To use them all, paste the following into Document Review Fields:
HOMEtracker__Employer_Business_Name__c, HOMEtracker__Income_Type__c, PHA__Employment_Status__c, PHA__Household_Member_Name__c, HOMEtracker__Employment_Start_Date__c, HOMEtracker__Employment_End_Date__c, PHA__Gross_Income_for_Specified_Period__c, HOMEtracker__Pretax_Income_This_Year__c, PHA__Pay_Period__c, PHA__Annual_Bonus__c, PHA__Pay_Period_Average_Pay__c, PHA__Weekly_Hours__c

Household Member Object
Field NameAPI Name
Marital StatusPHA__MaritalStatus__c
Military StatusPHA__MilitaryStatus__c
US Citizen or Resident AlienPHA__US_Citizen_or_Resident_Alien__c
Household Member Object Fields

To use them all, paste the following into Document Review Fields:
HOMEtracker__Name__c, HOMEtracker__Birthdate__c, HOMEtracker__Age__c, HOMEtracker__Gender__c, PHA__MaritalStatus__c, PHA__MilitaryStatus__c, PHA__US_Citizen_or_Resident_Alien__c

Financial History (Service File Object)
NameAPI Field
Credit Score of Primary Applicant, if known
Applicant Credit Score
Have you ever had a home in foreclosure?
Applicant Past Foreclosure
When was your first foreclosure notice?
Applicant Past Foreclosure Notice Date
Have you ever had a bankruptcy discharge?
When was the bankruptcy discharge?
Date of Bankruptcy Discharge
Have you had late credit card payments this year?
Applicant Late Payment History
What is your general monthly credit card payment?
Credit Card Payment Behavior
What Adjusted Gross Income did you report on your most recent federal taxes? Combine income for all household members if filed separately.
Last Year Reported Income
What Adjusted Gross Income did you report on your 2 years ago federal taxes? Combine income for all household members if filed separately.
2 Years Ago Reported Income
Is your household expecting significant household income changes in the coming year?
Expected Income Changes
If your household is anticipating significant income changes in the coming year, please describe here.
Expected Income Changes (Description)
Financial History (Service File Object)

To use them all, copy and paste these fields:

Current Living Situation (Service File Object)
NameAPI Field
What is your current living situation?
Applicant Living Situation
Are there more than 2 people per bedroom in your current living situation?
How many bedrooms does your home have?
Applicant Bedrooms
How much are your current monthly expenses?
Applicant Monthly Housing Costs
Does the Rent include utilities?
Utilities Included in Rent?
How much are your monthly utilities?
Other Monthly Housing Expense/Adjustment
Do you have Section 8 voucher?
Receiving Section 8 Subsidy?
How much is the Section 8 subsidy received?
Section 8 Subsidy Amount
What type of housing do you currently live in?
Applicant Housing Type
Do you have a disability need for a reasonable accomodation?
Person with Special Needs In Household

Housing InterestsService File Object
Are you a First Time Home Buyer?
First-Time Homebuyer
What is your primary reason for wanting to purchase a home?
Primary Reason for Purchase
Which of the following are barriers to buying a home?
Hurdles to Overcome
When do you expect to be financially ready to purchase a home?
Months to Financial Readiness
What amount of your down payment will be from sources outside your savings and assets?
Down Payment from Other Sources
Please select the neighborhood in which you want to purchase the home.
Neighborhood Desired
What are your top 3 preferences about a neighborhood?
Desired Neighborhood Characteristics
How many bedrooms do you need?
Number of Bedrooms Desired