
Program Type

This is a new Field we are using to track program types.

Days to Complete Application

This Field is used to set deadlines on new applications. Changing this Field will only affect deadlines on new applications. It will not affect existing Service Files.

Digital Signatures

Public House brings digital signatures to your online housing experience. Digital Signature Options:

  • Applicant / Co-Applicant
  • All adult household members
  • No Signatures

Signatures are $1.50 per signed document (not per signature).

The application system has been integrated with Zoho Sign’s API. This functionality is specific to the application system and cannot be leveraged elsewhere and does not conflict with any other digital signature tools organizations may currently be using.

  • Clients do not require an account with Zoho

Imputed Income

Activate the Imputed Income for Public House to automatically calculate the imputed income. Note: You’ll also need to request that the relevant questions be added to the system. to make sure the

The imputed income is a percentage of the value of family assets based on the current passbook savings rate as established by HUD. Enable if you’d like Public House to calculate this for your Applicants.