Troubleshooting Status

Application Processing

Before we dive in, remember that Public House is an Application Management System. Its primary focus is to facilitate to the submission of applications and determine if the details on that application meet the program requirements.

Status Automation

You should not be manually updating the Status or the Application Status. Exceptions are outlined at the bottom of this article.

Service File Status vs Application Status


Service Files may be used for different programs and processes outside of applications. Public House uses only 2 Status

Application in Process – This is our playground where all application processes take place. Once an applicant has been identified for a home, they should be manually moved out of Application in Process

Ineligible – Service files that are declined or missed a deadline.

Application Status

The Application Status indicates the stages of the application



Manual Exceptions

  • Restoring an applicant’s Status to Application set to Ineligible after missing a deadline.
  • Resetting the Application Status