Public House Process Builders

Salesforce Process Builders are a powerful tool for automating your business processes without having to write code. Public House installs a number of Process Builders that can be customized to your organization’s operations.

While Process Builders are easy to customize, they can be quite sensitive. Use caution when making modifications and only do so if you have familiarized yourself with Salesforce’s Process Builder trailhead. Any changes should be thoroughly tested. Realize that any modifications will affect all Applicants. If you need an extra hand, we are happy to help.

Housing Application Processing

This Service File process builder is responsible for controlling the applicant’s flow through the application process. For the most part, the operations coincide with the Service File Application Status.

Intake Processing and Intake Eligibility

These Intake process builders manage eligibility, communications and Campaign Member creation of Prospects.

Application Invitation

This Campaign Member process builder manages the creation of Service Files when inviting Prospects to become Applicants.

  • Service File Name
  • Record Type ID
  • Applicant
  • Program
  • Status
  • AMI
  • Max Calc Type
  • Max AMI%
  • Min Calc Type
  • Min AMI%
  • Min Income

If the client needs a warning for Min/Max Asset or Min/Max Debt, Custom fields need to be added to the Service File and mapping added to the Process Builder.