Candidate Pool: Overview

A candidate pool is linked from the Property in SalesForce- each property has its own candidate pool. All properties are part of a Campaign. While a Campaign maintains the broadest eligibility parameters, the Property contains the more narrowly defined eligibility information.

  • For Homeownership programs, the Property is the specific affordable home under a specific Homeownership Program, or Campaign.
    • Public House recommends that Homeownership Programs have a Campaign end date, since once a house is sold, the likelihood for a quick turnover is low and there is no need to request frequent updates for any remaining waitlist Applicants and Prospects for this particular opportunity. 
  • For Rental programs, the Property is the specific affordable unit within a Community or under a specific rental program, depending how the Campaign is set-up.
    • At rental communities with some likelihood of turnover, Public House recommends keeping the Campaign open indefinitely to assure there are enough Prospects for the next vacancy and to account for Applicants that fall off the list as part of the waitlist update. 
    • If the volume of Prospects is too high at a rental community despite turnover and waitlist updates, you may stop advertising the waitlist application but still allow existing Prospects to update their information accordingly.

The Candidate Pool is a filtered view of a Housing Program Campaign (waitlist) specific to a Property that displays Prospects, Applicants, and approved Applicants ready to move-in. The Candidate Pool is not an actual list. It is a filtered view of Campaign Members that loads dynamically each time you open it. 

Candidate Pool benefits include:

  • Ensures program compliance by automatically ordering Prospects and Applicants by rank and join date with warnings when that order is not followed.
  • Surfacing the best candidates for a specific housing opportunity out of a large number of Prospects to avoid processing unnecessary applications
  • Quantifying how many current Approved Applications you have that are a good fit
  • Understanding how many Applicants are in the various “in Progress” stages of completing their applications so you know if and how many more Prospects to invite
  • Confirming the interest of Approved Applicants to minimize the time traditional waitlists require in the back and forth checking for interest.