Quarterly Report and Invoice

Definition of terms appearing in Quarterly Report Email

Applicant SubscriptionsEntitles an applicant to full use of applications and homeowner portal for the period of 1 year. Charged upon a new applicant logging into the Authentication Portal
Electronic SignaturesIntegrated HelloSign signature processes
Annual SubscriptionMinimum Applicant Subscription and Electronic Signature credits purchased at renewal each year
Total BilledThe amount that will appear on the Quickbooks invoice
Renewal DateThe beginning of the annual cycle
Qtr UsageNumber of new Applicant Subscriptions or Electronic Signatures for the last quarter
Credit BalanceNumber of Applicant Subscription or Electronic Signature Credits unused(if any) from last quarter after subtracting Qtr Usage from Available Credits
Available creditsNumber of Applicant Subscription or Electronic Signature Credits unused from quarter before last that were available to the last quarter
YTD UsageNumber of Applicant Subscription or Electronic Signature Credits used in the current annual cycle since the previous Renewal Date