Stripe Configuration

Stripe configuration provide clients to collect the fees from the Applicants. Below are features we support

  1. Fees can be configured separately for applicant and Co-applicant. i.e. If there is co-applicant there could be additional fees.
  2. Fees can be configured for each program separately.

Salesforce Configuration

Custom settings :

In the custom settings below items needs to be configured. We can get the test keys and test the setup with Test Cards.

Stripe Publishable Key

Stripe Secrete Key

Here is link to get the API Keys from the Stripe –

Below are fields and objects in the salesforce used in the Payment integration.

For Application Payment we are using the Opportunities, when user initiate the transaction Opportunity is created. Below are fields on Opportunity related to PHA Application Payments

  1. RecordType – Application Payment
  2. PHA__Service_File__c – Lookup to the Service File
  3. PHA__Stripe_Client_Secret__c – Unique Client Id for the transaction
  4. PHA__Stripe_Payment_Intents_Id__c – Payment Intent ( Used internally for Payment Transaction )
  5. Amount – Payment Amount
  6. Status – Status of the Payment
  7. Description – Payment description is added automatically.

Service File applicant is automatically added as a contact role on the opportunity.

We need to add the Opportunity Related list on the Service File Layout with the relevant columns showing

Below are fields used from Service File

  1. PHA__Application_Charge_Paid__c – When payment is successful this Field is set.
  2. PHA__Waive_Application_Fee__c – This Field can be used to waive the application fees for the applicant.

JSON Configuration

Below are the configuration Parameters need to be added in the Organization.JSON or Configuration.JSON file

  1. PaymentModalHeader – Header added in the Payment Modal, support HTML
  2. PaymentModalFooter – Footer can be added in the Payment Modal, support HTML
  3. EnableApplicationCharges – This enable the Payment integration
  4. PrimaryApplicantCharges – Fees for applicant only
  5. CoApplicantCharges – Fees if co-applicant is present on the Service File

Final fees will be calculated as sum of applicantCharges and coApplicant Charges

Testing –

For testing using the test stripe keys please use the cards

For Live keys we test by changing the application charges as $1 and using the real credit cards.