Application Fee Processing

Once an applicant has finished all necessary steps on their application, they will be able to submit payment for their application. This submission will trigger the creation of an Opportunity in your salesforce instance. This Opportunity will represent that user’s application and any corresponding fees associated with it. The following fields:

  • Stage:  Will start of as “Initiate” and then move to “Closed Won” or “Closed Lost” depending on if the payment was successful
  • Amount: Total amount of the application fees

There will also be a Service File applied to each Opportunity with the following fields:

  • Waive Application Fee: Check to indicate the application fee has been waived
  • Application Charge Paid: Check to indicate the application fee has been processed

Within your Stripe account Dashboard, you will be able to view the receipt history for each applicant’s payment. For more information on how to use the Stripe Dashboard, visit their help documentation found here.