Email & SMS Reminder Schedules

We’ve built a system to facilitate email and SMS reminders for the various deadlines in the application process. 

Each Reminder has two customizable email templates: a pre-due date reminder template and a past-due date reminder template. These can be founding the Program Configuration: Communication Templates

Reminders are fully automated. When reminders are sent, a history record is automatically saved on the associated record (monitoring event, campaign member, Service File) identifying the date and time the reminder was sent.

Notifications are only sent for Service Files with Status = Application in Process. Notification schedules are fixed and can be referenced below.

Note: Reminder actions are enforced when the daily reminder job process executes. In order that emails aren’t sent in the middle of the night, the job process executes at approximately 9 am for most clients. Past-due Applicants are still able to access applications and meet deadlines past the night of the due date, up to the time that the reminder job process executes the following morning.

Screening Form / Intake Update Reminder (Prospects)

Notification Description Requests Prospects periodically update their Screening Form (Intake Record)
Criteria Campaign Member: Status = Prospect
Due Date Campaign Member: Most Recent Update + Campaign: Intake Expiration Period
Before Due Date Notification Schedule 9, 6, 3 months,
3, 2 weeks,
7, 4, 1 days before
Email Template Screening Form Reminder
Text Message Update your {Org Name} pre-application by {Intake Expiration} to keep your priority. Go to {Campaign Member Screening Form Link}
After Due Date Notification Schedule 1 day after
Email Template Screening Form Expired
Text Message You’ve missed your {Intake Expiration} {Org Name} pre-application deadline.  If you’d like to start over, go to {Generic Screening Form Link}
Expiration Action Campaign Member Status = Ineligible,
Campaign Member History update: Timestamp, Intake Expiration deadline exceeded

Application Invitation Reminder

Both Applicant and Co-applicant receive email and SMS

Notification Description Reminder to start application after invited
Criteria Service File: Application Status = Invited
Due Date Service File: Application Due
Before Due Date Notification Schedule 3, 2, 1 weeks,
4, 1 days before
Email Template Application Invitation Reminder
Text Message Don’t miss your opportunity with {Org Name}. Get started on your application at {Application Portal URL}.
After Due Date Notification Schedule 1 day after
Email Template Application Expired
Text Message You’ve missed your {Application Due} {Org Name} application deadline. If you’d like to start over, go to {Generic Screening Form Link}
Expiration Action Campaign Member History update: Timestamp, Application deadline exceeded
Service File History update: Timestamp, Application deadline exceeded
Campaign Member Status = Ineligible (Optional)
Service File Application Status = Declined (Optional)

Application Due Date Reminder

Notification Description Reminder to complete application before deadline
Criteria Service File: Application Status = Incomplete
Due Date Service File: Application Due
Before Due Date Notification Schedule 2, 1 weeks,
4, 1 days before
Email Template Application Reminder
Text Message Your {Org Name} application must be submitted by {Application Due}. Don’t miss your chance. Get started at {Application Portal URL}
After Due Date Notification Schedule 1 day after
Email Template Application Expired
Text Message You’ve missed your {Application Due} {Org Name} application deadline. If you’d like to start over, go to {Generic Screening Form Link}
Expiration Action Campaign Member History update: Timestamp, Application deadline exceeded
Service File History update: Timestamp, Application deadline exceeded
Campaign Member Status = Ineligible (Optional)
Service File Application Status = Declined (Optional)

Application Required Document Corrections Reminder

Notification Description Add
Criteria Service File: Application Status = Document Correction
Due Date Service File: Document Corrections Due
Before Due Date Notification Schedule 7, 4, 1 days
Email Template Document Correction Reminder
Text Message Document Corrections for your {Org Name} application must be submitted by {Document Corrections Due}. Make those updates at {Application Portal URL}
After Due Date Notification Schedule 1 day after
Email Template Document Correction Expired
Text Message You’ve missed your {Document Corrections Due} {Org Name} deadline for document corrections. If you’d like to start over, go to {Generic Screening Form Link}
Expiration Action Campaign Member Status = Ineligible
Campaign Member History update: Timestamp, Document Corrections deadline exceeded
Service File Application Status = Declined
Service File History update: Timestamp, Document Corrections deadline exceeded

Recertification/Occupancy Certification Reminder

Notification Description Reminder to submit recertification
  • Service File: .Status = Current Owner
  • Notifications begin Service File: Annual Survey Lead Time number of days before Anniversary of Service File: Close Date
  • Monitoring Event. Status = Active (not Submitted or Resolved)
Due Date Anniversary of Service File: Close Date
Before Due Date Notification Schedule 4, 3, 2, 1 weeks,
4, 1 days
Email Template Annual Survey Reminder
SMS Message Your {Org Name} Occupancy Certification is due on {Monitoring Event Due Date}. Get started at {Application Portal URL}
After Due Date Notification Schedule 1, 3, 6, 9, 12 days
Email Template Annual Survey Past Due
SMS Message You’re {Org Name} Occupancy Certification was due on {Monitoring Event Due Date}. It only takes a minute. Please go to {Application Portal URL} to submit it to avoid action.
Expiration Action None